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What To Expect During a Contact Lens Fitting

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A comprehensive eye exam with our optometrist in Santa Ana is your first step when you are thinking about getting contact lenses. Dr. Choi will evaluate your eyes to determine the correct prescription to improve your vision. We will conduct the necessary steps during the exam, including a fitting, before you are ready to wear your contacts. Here are a few things you should expect during this process.

Review Your Options

It is important to review your lifestyle habits with our eye doctor to ensure you get the proper contacts to match your preferences. Different options are available from daily use contacts, weekly/monthly options, and even ones to help if you have astigmatism for hard-to-fit eyes.


Next, our optometrist will take measurements of your eyes, including checking the curvature, diameter, pupil, and iris. A tear film evaluation will also be conducted because dry eyes can become a concern when wearing contact lenses. This process allows our eye doctor to suggest certain lens types based on these results.

Trial Period for New Contact Lenses and Teaching

Once it has been determined which contact lenses work best for you, our eye doctor will sit with you to see how they fit and feel. We will also take the time to explain how to insert and remove them properly, along with proper hygiene techniques to prevent irritation or redness in the eyes.

Follow-Up Appointments

You will need a follow-up appointment to ensure that everything feels normal and you are adjusting to your new contacts as a part of your lifestyle. This appointment also allows you to discuss any questions or concerns you may have, such as dryness or discomfort.

Make An Appointment at See 20/20 Optometry In Santa Ana, CA

Contact lenses are an excellent option for those who do not want to wear glasses but still want to enjoy clear vision. If you are thinking about getting a set, call us today at 714-957-2704 to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Choi.


Dr. Choi

Written by Dr. Jenny Choi

Dr. Jenny Choi graduated from the Southern California College of Optometry in 1999. She is licensed and trained in the use of Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents, and is certified by the National Board of Optometry in the Treatment and Management of Ocular Disease. Dr. Choi also attended the University of California, Los Angeles for her undergraduate course work in Psychobiology. Her current emphasis includes staying up-to-date in the latest developments of vision care and contact lenses. Dr. Choi and her staff are always dedicated to the concept of ‘quality eyecare’, which involves providing patients with state-of the art examinations in an unhurried and caring environment.

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