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Contacts Lenses vs Traditional Glasses

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If you have a prescription for vision correction, you are likely able to choose between eyeglasses and contact lenses. If you need a new prescription, glasses, or contacts, call our team at See 20/20 Optometry in Santa Ana to make an eye exam appointment with our optometrist, Dr. Choi. We will help you choose the best option for your vision correction.

Choosing Contact Lenses

Why would you choose to wear contacts? There are many benefits to this vision-correction option. Contact lenses can take a little time to get used to, especially taking them out and putting them in, After a trial period, they become easier to handle. Many people like that you can insert them in the morning and not have to touch them or even think about them for the rest of the day. With contacts, you don’t have to see a glasses frame in your vision. You get full peripheral vision as well as frontal vision.

Choosing Eyeglasses

There are also benefits to wearing eyeglasses. The ease of putting them on and taking them off is a selling point for many wearers. They also like that you can take them off no matter where they are, and no solution or case is required. There is no need to get used to them or to practice the skill of putting them on as there is with the contact lenses. Many people do not want to touch their eyes. For some, they are a bit squeamish about their eyes and would not be good candidates for wearing contact lenses.

Contact Our Optometrist in Santa Ana, CA

If you live in or around Santa Ana and are considering new glasses or contact lenses, give us a call. Our team at See 20/20 Optometry will help you every step of the way with your selection process. Call us today at 714-957-2704 to schedule an appointment with our optometrist.


Dr. Choi

Written by Dr. Jenny Choi

Dr. Jenny Choi graduated from the Southern California College of Optometry in 1999. She is licensed and trained in the use of Therapeutic Pharmaceutical Agents, and is certified by the National Board of Optometry in the Treatment and Management of Ocular Disease. Dr. Choi also attended the University of California, Los Angeles for her undergraduate course work in Psychobiology. Her current emphasis includes staying up-to-date in the latest developments of vision care and contact lenses. Dr. Choi and her staff are always dedicated to the concept of ‘quality eyecare’, which involves providing patients with state-of the art examinations in an unhurried and caring environment.

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